When EBooks came availible I thought that all people would then
stop reading physical books but unfortunately many of them keep
reading on pieces of the Amazon forest.
Reason for this might be the lousy epub/mobi format that is used
for EBooks. It is very difficult to alter and displays awfully
in Kobo or Amazon readers.
I myself read all my EBooks in Text, Rtf or Html, depending if I
want text, formatted text or text with pictures. For this I have
made my own EBook readers.
My EBook DB reader is for reading plain text and I use it mainly for
for all my Prose EBooks. All EBooks are stored in a central archive
and there is no need to keep separate text files.
The program contains already some of the classic novels and you
can find new EBooks on Gutenberg.org Download the Text version
of the EBook and enter the contents in the program. You can also
take a epub/mobi ebook and convert it to text with Sigil.